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台灣黃頁 詢價平台


114339christine@buyallneed.comchristine@buyallneed.commartin800725@gmail.com66shop.tw66shop0設計,自行車,代理,腳踏車,POLO衫,團體服,團體制服,客製化,OEM,服飾,成衣,運動,運動服,批發,工作服,制服,成衣代工,手提袋,POLO,代工,品牌,紡織,加工,T恤,公司制服,工廠,環保袋,禮贈品,設計自行車代理腳踏車POLO衫團體服團體制服客製化OEM服飾成衣運動運動服批發工作服制服成衣代工手提袋POLO代工品牌紡織加工T恤公司制服工廠環保袋禮贈品配合並集合有品質/品牌共識的台灣供應商夥伴, 共同推廣其自行車精品與創意設計零件的銷售233403567牛皮自行車尾包牛皮自行車包包牛皮手握自行車座墊腳踏車自行車代理設計牛皮自行車尾包,牛皮自行車包包,牛皮手握,自行車座墊,腳踏車,自行車,代理,設計04-22711313百宏益有限公司BUYALLNEED百宏益有限公司配合並集合有品質/品牌共識的台灣供應商夥伴, 共同推廣其自行車精品與創意設計零件的銷售計劃. 以集合眾多夥伴品牌之力, 透過百宏益 ( BuyAllNeed ) 專業行銷與銷售代理, 將公司經營理念與宗旨逐步依規劃進行補修市場布局與推廣. 未來更自我期許能帶來創新行銷手法或媒介幫助提升整體代理品牌價值與對消費者與經銷夥伴的品牌忠誠度. 進而帶動長期精品形象與價值. 讓市場也能和全球同步取得最新年度產品. 更本著[ 穩健經營, 服務推廣品牌, 滿足市場對品質與價值的渴望 ]的基本精神, 提供整合性品牌行銷與推廣活動. 充當製造夥伴與消費者之間的橋樑, 讓彼此溝通更順暢, 提升消費者認同感與品牌價值, 成為不可欠佳的夥伴. BuyAllNeed operation statement and purpose: And with a collection of quality / brand consensus of the Taiwan supplier partners, to promote its quality and innovative design of bicycle parts sales plans.配合並集合有品質/品牌共識的台灣供應商夥伴, 共同推廣其自行車精品與創意設計零件的銷售計劃.以集合眾多夥伴品牌之力, 透過百宏益 ( BuyAllNeed ) 專業行銷與銷售代理, 將公司經營理念與宗旨逐步依規劃進行補修市場布局與推廣. 未來更自我期許能帶來創新行銷手法或媒介幫助提升整體代理品牌價值與對消費者與經銷夥伴的品牌忠誠度. 進而帶動長期精品形象與價值. 讓市場也能和全球同步取得最新年度產品.更本著[ 穩健經營, 服務推廣品牌, 滿足市場對品質與價值的渴望 ]的基本精神, 提供整合性品牌行銷與推廣活動. 充當製造夥伴與消費者之間的橋樑, 讓彼此溝通更順暢, 提升消費者認同感與品牌價值, 成為不可欠佳的夥伴.BuyAllNeed operation statement and purpose: And with a collection of quality / brand consensus of the Taiwan supplier partners, to promote its quality and innovative design of bicycle parts sales plans.BuyAllNeed has the power of multi-partners, professional marketing and sales agents, corporate philosophy and purpose of planning a gradual conversion in accordance with the layout and promote the market. A more self-expectations can bring innovative marketing practices or the media Acting to help improve the overall brand value and distribution partners to consumers and the brand loyalty. Further promote long-term image quality and value. Let the market and global synchronization can also get the newest Product of the Year. Our operation and services is to promote brands in excellent quality and meet the market value in reasonable price,BuyAllNeed has the power of multi-partners, professional marketing and sales agents, corporate philosophy and purpose of planning a gradual conversion in accordance with the layout and promote the market. A more self-expectations can bring innovative marketing practices or the media Acting to help improve the overall brand value and distribution partners to consumers and the brand loyalty. Further promote long-term image quality and value. Let the market and global synchronization can also get the newest Product of the Year. Our operation and services is to promote brands in excellent quality and meet the market value in reasonable price,百宏益有限公司04-22710505FMJSSBRFNFNchristine@buyallneed.com28930694799000000031001000000000000000000NTW0百宏益有限公司配合並集合有品質/品牌共識的台灣供應商夥伴, 共同推廣其自行車精品與創意設計零件的銷售百宏益有10031.0sales@buyallneed.com/_file/114339/piclist/logo1.jpg0422710505.web66.com.tw0422710505.web66.com.tw00000000001000000000000000024.1011980,120.7165640220000220022台中市太平區太平區台中市百宏益有限公司114339百宏益有限公司1949YWsales@buyallneed.com0422710505.web66.com.tw