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Arko 1.8吋觸控式多功能MP4


121260rubie.hu@arkobrand.comrubie.hu@arkobrand.commartin800725@gmail.com66shop.tw66shop0ic,ti,ai,設計,電腦,音樂,電子,代理,批發,LED,OEM,貿易,維修,研發,工程,環保,品牌,清潔用品,客製化,資訊,永續經營,網路,經銷,五金,出口,機械,行銷,材料,ictiai設計電腦音樂電子代理批發LEDOEM貿易維修研發工程環保品牌清潔用品客製化資訊永續經營網路經銷五金出口機械行銷材料KO Corporation was established in 2003 w234902760勝偉Arkoacroaitiarteicng勝偉,Arko,ac,ro,ai,ti,ar,te,ic,ng02-23951816勝偉科技股份有限公司勝偉科技股份有限公司KO Corporation was established in 2003 which has grown quickly and became a leading brand for consumer electronics products. We develop, manufacture and market the most advanced ,cost-effective products for the customers around the world and ARKO has gained access to global market and provide a superior level of service to the customers. We promote the ARKO brand actively and ARKO always has a strong presence at all of the major worldwide trade shows (CeBIT , COMPUTEX and CES) and retail chain stores. Our professional marketing strategy ensures our brand receive the maximum amount of positive exposure.KO Corporation was established in 2003 which has grown quickly and became a leading brand for consumer electronics products. We develop, manufacture and market the most advanced ,cost-effective products for the customers around the world and ARKO has gained access to global market and provide a superior level of service to the customers. We promote the ARKO brand actively and ARKO always has a strong presence at all of the major worldwide trade shows (CeBIT , COMPUTEX and CES) and retail chain stores. Our professional marketing strategy ensures our brand receive the maximum amount of positive exposure.胡小姐02-23581271FSJSTNCRSBR277355475500010000030001000000000000000000NTW0胡小姐KO Corporation was established in 2003 w勝偉科技10034.0rubie.hu@arkobrand.com/_file/121260/piclist/logo1.jpg16181132863597.web66.com.tw16181132863597.web66.com.tw10000000000000000000000000025.0438290,121.5225640211000211002青島東路7號6樓之7台北市中正區台北市中正區青島東路7號6樓之7胡小姐121260勝偉科技股份有限公司121260Wrubie.hu@arkobrand.com16181132863597.web66.com.tw