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123330konrad.liao@impervio.com.twkonrad.liao@impervio.com.twmartin800725@gmail.com66shop.tw66shop0電腦,設計,資訊,網路,電子,系統整合,維修,電腦維修,代理,工程,軟體,電腦週邊,印表機,批發,OEM,電源供應器,研發,貿易,售後服務,永續經營,數位,行銷,自動化,印刷,零組件,LCD,ODM,LED,電腦設計資訊網路電子系統整合維修電腦維修代理工程軟體電腦週邊印表機批發OEM電源供應器研發貿易售後服務永續經營數位行銷自動化印刷零組件LCDODMLEDDue to stick the ideal towards product d244003470嘉笙電子PEled電腦嘉笙,電子,PE,led,電腦02-82268500嘉笙電子股份有限公司嘉笙電子股份有限公司Due to stick the ideal towards product design, and motived by their own ambition, a group of elites gathered from production design industry, made use of average 10~20 years experiences to create another company. The company is full of creativity and energy, which is called IMPERVIO. In this elite team, there they have many talented people who are specialized in the field of industrial power supplies. This is to say that, this team has gathered strong power in this field. IMPERVIO ambitiously expected them to become the leading brand of industrial power supply, as they did before. 嘉笙電子股份有限公司,為一個結合業界菁英團隊所組成的隊伍,也是一家年輕活力的新成立公司。 研發與生產PC桌上型、伺服Due to stick the ideal towards product design, and motived by their own ambition, a group of elites gathered from production design industry, made use of average 10~20 years experiences to create another company. The company is full of creativity and energy, which is called IMPERVIO.In this elite team, there they have many talented people who are specialized in the field of industrial power supplies. This is to say that, this team has gathered strong power in this field. IMPERVIO ambitiously expected them to become the leading brand of industrial power supply, as they did before. 嘉笙電子股份有限公司,為一個結合業界菁英團隊所組成的隊伍,也是一家年輕活力的新成立公司。研發與生產PC桌上型、伺服張小姐02-82268599FSJCSSACNDD283469482580000000030001000000000000000000NTW0張小姐Due to stick the ideal towards product d嘉笙電子10021.0/_file/123330/piclist/logo1.jpg123330.web66.tw00100000000000000000000000024.9978170,121.4878570213000213003建一路166號10樓之3 新北市中和區新北市中和區建一路166號10樓之3 張小姐123330嘉笙電子股份有限公司123330W