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embedded show 2012

日  期
101-02-28(二) ~ 101-03-01(四)
地  點
海外地區 (德國紐倫堡)
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Litemax will show the new “SPANPIXEL”, the truly tailor-made LED backlight LCD Display, (AKA) Stretch LCD, Resizing LCD, Free Shape LCD, Bar LCD etc.) in sizes 49” (55” half cut), 38” (42” half cut), 28” (32” 1/3 cut), 16” (18.5” 1/3 cut), to the smallest 6” (7” half cut). over embedded-world 2012 held in Nuremberg from 2/28 to 3/1, 2012. 

To provide more LCD panels with specific ratios for digital signage applications, LITEMAX develops chassis SPANPIXEL series, new LED backlight LCD panel with specific aspect ratios (16:3, 16:4.2, 16:6.4 and 16:6), from 15-inch to 49-inch, sunlight readable or standard brightness, special aspect ratio. Incorporating with LITEMAX A.D. control board, the product can display high-quality video with energy-efficient power. 

To expand the offering in Litemax “Smart panel”, the truly wide temperate, combinations with high bright and standard brightness, slim profile, open frame displays The new additions in 10.4”, 12”suited for any industrial, equipment, outdoor/semi outdoor kiosk type of application.

To address the industrial applications further in mid to small TFT sizes in our world famous “Durapixel ”, the wide temperature, industrial grade panels in sizes, 6.5” to 13.3, these are perfectly suited for system integrations  

For further information of innovative products, LITEMAX wishes to introduce them to you and to have a deeply communication about them at Embedded World 2012. LITEMAX booth will be located in the Hall 1, Stand number 1-363. Please contact us for further information of this show: sales@litemax.com or visit LITEMAX official website: www.litemax.com

About Litemax Electronics Inc.
Litemax Electronics Inc., established in 2000, is with the aim to be the best industrial solution provider. Litemax has developed a series of VHB (Very High Brightness) CCFL and LED Backlight panels, industrial monitors, panel PC and embedded controller to enable one- stop services. To expand on the company product offerings, Litemax is going on developing a number of industrial solutions including marine, outdoor digital signage, medical, military and gaming applications.

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