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台灣黃頁 詢價平台


129320edamhobby@edam.com.tw0332239882056303380@qq.com66shop.tw66shop0玩具,配件,禮贈品,客製化,設計,禮品,贈品,文具,印刷,OEM,鑰匙圈,批發,婚禮小物,紀念品,PVC,手機吊飾,貿易,LED,廣告,加工,文具禮品,塑膠,文具用品,雷射雕刻,客製化商品,飾品,台灣製造,網版印刷,玩具配件禮贈品客製化設計禮品贈品文具印刷OEM鑰匙圈批發婚禮小物紀念品PVC手機吊飾貿易LED廣告加工文具禮品塑膠文具用品雷射雕刻客製化商品飾品台灣製造網版印刷Formerly a computer company, Edam came a247003390模型玩具HobbyToy遙控車玩具模型玩具,Hobby,Toy,遙控車,玩具091221816003-3933031毅登股份有限公司毅登股份有限公司Formerly a computer company, Edam came a long way from IT industry to Hobby industry. Among all the RC On Road Cars Car manufacturers, EDAM is without doubt the youngest and the fearless. With the team of experienced engineers and technicians, plus the support of many subcontractors, EDAM boldly invests the time and money in the development of 1/8 On Road Car which is considered to be the most technology demanding than any other scales and any other type of RC products.Formerly a computer company, Edam came a long way from IT industry to Hobby industry. Among all the RC On Road Cars Car manufacturers, EDAM is without doubt the youngest and the fearless. With the team of experienced engineers and technicians, plus the support of many subcontractors, EDAM boldly invests the time and money in the development of 1/8 On Road Car which is considered to be the most technology demanding than any other scales and any other type of RC products.毅登股份有限公司 統一編號:22284683 , 登記機關:桃園市政府 , 登記現況:解散 , 地址:桃園市大園區三石里三和路22巷1弄1號 , 資料種類:公司 , 核准設立日期 :0751014 , 核准變更日期:1021219毅登股份有限公司統一編號:22284683 , 登記機關:桃園市政府 , 登記現況:解散 , 地址:桃園市大園區三石里三和路22巷1弄1號 , 資料種類:公司 , 核准設立日期 :0751014 , 核准變更日期:1021219黃淑貞03-3933193FTJTDTTRDT22284683511402000000000100000000005000000000NTW0呂學榮Formerly a computer company, Edam came a毅登股份10040.0service@edam.com.tw08:00AM - 20:00PM/_file/129320/piclist/logo1.jpgedamhobby.web66.com.twedamhobby.web66.com.tw00010000000000000000000000025.0733636,121.25948259999995215000215010桃園市大園區三和路22巷1弄1號桃園市大園區三和路22巷1弄1號呂學榮129320毅登股份有限公司129320Wservice@edam.com.twedamhobby.web66.com.tw