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台灣黃頁 詢價平台


5353elittw@ms2.hinet.netelittw@ms2.hinet.netmartin800725@gmail.com66shop.tw66shop0家具,傢俱,辦公家具,辦公椅,設計,批發,文具,辦公桌,辦公文具,電腦,文具禮品,工廠,辦公用品,識別證帶,OEM,辦公室,識別證套,PVC套,安全圖釘,手機吊飾,金屬徽章,行李吊牌,悠遊卡套,安全別針,印刷,ABS卡套,行李牌吊繩,印刷鑰匙圈,家具傢俱辦公家具辦公椅設計批發文具辦公桌辦公文具電腦文具禮品工廠辦公用品識別證帶OEM辦公室識別證套PVC套安全圖釘手機吊飾金屬徽章行李吊牌悠遊卡套安全別針印刷ABS卡套行李牌吊繩印刷鑰匙圈Eli Enterprises Corp. is a leading manufactur233303729辦公家具辦公椅傢俱家具益利企業辦公家具,辦公椅,傢俱,家具,益利企業益利企業有限公司益利企業有限公司Eli Enterprises Corp. is a leading manufacturer and exporter of various furniture in Taiwan and China. We possess over 18 years expertise in this industry, with a wide selection from office furniture, home office furniture, public and occasional use furniture, and school use furniture. Lately, we've proudly presenting the lighting series to complete our product ranges and reaching people's various needs in better life styles.Eli Enterprises Corp. is a leading manufacturer and exporter of various furniture in Taiwan and China. We possess over 18 years expertise in this industry, with a wide selection from office furniture, home office furniture, public and occasional use furniture, and school use furniture. Lately, we've proudly presenting the lighting series to complete our product ranges and reaching people's various needs in better life styles.公共設施家具, 會議椅, 防潮箱, 辦公椅, 按摩椅, 長條椅, 沙發公共設施家具, 會議椅, 防潮箱, 辦公椅, 按摩椅, 長條椅, 沙發黃小姐04-23216109FMJSTSRARFD2257723018360100000030001000000000000000000NTW0黃小姐Eli Enterprises Corp. is a leading manufactur益利企業10022.0elittw@ms2.hinet.net9:00 ~ 18:00/_file/5353/piclist/logo1.jpg1171336651347.tw66.com.tw1171336651347.tw66.com.tw00000000001000000000000000024.154266,120.66422220000220002台中港路一段255號10F11室台中市西區台中市西區台中港路一段255號10F11室黃小姐5353益利企業有限公司5353Welittw@ms2.hinet.net1171336651347.tw66.com.tw