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台灣黃頁 詢價平台


9472sunechosunechomartin800725@gmail.com66shop.tw66shop0包包,設計,批發,電腦包,服飾,客製化,服飾批發,貿易,OEM,出口,團體服,代理,服飾配件,品牌,團體制服,禮贈品,工廠,零售,進口,成衣,工廠直營,飾品批發,相機包,POLO衫,代工,制服,禮品,小三通,包包設計批發電腦包服飾客製化服飾批發貿易OEM出口團體服代理服飾配件品牌團體制服禮贈品工廠零售進口成衣工廠直營飾品批發相機包POLO衫代工制服禮品小三通台煜實業成立已18年,包包產品專業出口商,產品外銷世界各地,於台灣及大陸地區有生233304916電腦包配件包相機包工具包IPOD包電腦包,配件包,相機包,工具包,IPOD包02-28720250台煜實業有限公司SunEcho台煜實業有限公司台煜實業成立已18年,包包產品專業出口商,產品外銷世界各地,於台灣及大陸地區有生產工廠,目前主要客戶歐洲及日本地區,業務及產品開發逐年成長中。 With more than 19 years experience as a professional manufacturer and exporter of computer accessory, Sun Echo believes that it is our commitment to provide goods with originality, reliable quality and punctual delivery at the most competitive price possible. Our product lines comprise a wide range of bags diversified in computer bags, CD holders, PDA case, camera bags, projector bag, game bags and medical bag …. All products are made in our mainland factory where we have passed ISO 9002 appraisal.台煜實業成立已18年,包包產品專業出口商,產品外銷世界各地,於台灣及大陸地區有生產工廠,目前主要客戶歐洲及日本地區,業務及產品開發逐年成長中。 With more than 19 years experience as a professional manufacturer and exporter of computer accessory, Sun Echo believes that it is our commitment to provide goods with originality, reliable quality and punctual delivery at the most competitive price possible.Our product lines comprise a wide range of bags diversified in computer bags, CD holders, PDA case, camera bags, projector bag, game bags and medical bag …. All products are made in our mainland factory where we have passed ISO 9002 appraisal.Small orders from Taiwan are still available. OEM and ODM orders are most welcome. With a team of more than 50 people in our sample making room, we are productive and creative in the new development periodically. It is also our main feature to design new products following given specifications of buyers.Solid construction of our notebook carrying cases and digital camera bags offer the maximum protection for your portable computers and other electronic equipment. Efficient design further makes them a virtual on-the-road office. At Sun Echo, we offer you the best you can get, thanks to our professional team workinSmall orders from Taiwan are still available. OEM and ODM orders are most welcome. With a team of more than 50 people in our sample making room, we are productive and creative in the new development periodically. It is also our main feature to design new products following given specifications of buyers.Solid construction of our notebook carrying cases and digital camera bags offer the maximum protection for your portable computers and other electronic equipment. Efficient design further makes them a virtual on-the-road office. At Sun Echo, we offer you the best you can get, thanks to our professional team workin台煜實業02-28725891FSJSCBSNCDR2346352335371100000030001000000000000000000NTW0台煜實業台煜實業成立已18年,包包產品專業出口商,產品外銷世界各地,於台灣及大陸地區有生台煜實業10033.0sunecho@ms62.hinet.net/_file/9472/piclist/logo1.jpg1174107504326.tw66.com.tw1174107504326.tw66.com.tw10000000000000000000000000025.1186940,121.5274730211000211010天母西路39之1號4樓台北市士林區台北市士林區天母西路39之1號4樓台煜實業9472台煜實業有限公司9472Wsunecho@ms62.hinet.net1174107504326.tw66.com.tw